We all know that nutrition – the way we eat, the foods we consume, the way of preparation, the quantity and so on, affect our general body’s condition. Similarly, over the years, some foods have been “crystallized” that have a beneficial effect on the condition, but also those that should be avoided.

Based on the discovery after many years of monitoring of many patients with psoriasis, it can be concluded that the diet of patients with psoriasis should be a simple and balanced, healthy diet. Patients with psoriasis should maintain ideal body weight and pay attention to exercising and doing sports every day.

Many studies related to proper nutrition and psoriasis show that some particular dietary choices may affect the course of psoriasis, but none have been scientifically proven. It has long been known that skin condition improves by limiting calories in the diet.

It has been observed that obesity negatively affects the course of psoriasis.

The appearance of psoriasis is closely related to the digestive system’s health. That is why diet changes are one of the first things you can do to treat or control the condition.

Studies have shown that patients who adjusted their diet regime, reduced body mass, and stopped drinking alcohol had better results – the improvements were longer, the active disease milder, and the treatment more effective.

Basic food postulates include maintenance of optimal body mass, reduced intake of saturated fats and proteins, increased intake of plant foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods rich in dietary fiber. It also helps with the more serious forms of illness. Nutritional supplements, especially Vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and selenium are also useful.

We will try to systematize the display of desirable and undesirable foods:


Preferred foods are:

  • apples, cranberries, prunes, avocado, guava, nuts
  • artichokes, carrots, celery, biscuits, beans, cabbage, radish, garlic, cucumbers, zucchini, sour cream, pastry.
  • Rice, Barley, Prose, Rye, Flax, Flaxseed Oil, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, Sprouts, Beans, Soybeans.
  • salmon, as one of the largest fish with content of omega 3 fatty acids, is the perfect food for preventing anti-inflammatory processes. Then herring, sardines, locust, bran, sea fruits, whey,
  • Kurkuma, one of the most famous Ayurvedic foods, just as ginger, is very good for relieving and calming the symptoms of psoriasis.
  • there are not many plants better in the treatment of various diseases and in the promotion of health than garlic – except for good blood pressure, cardiovascular health, garlic is good for your skin.
  • Broccoli is a vegetable rich in beta carotene and vitamin C, it can do wonders for the health of your skin.
  • Psoriasis is also known as a reaction to gluten susceptibility. That’s exactly why the buckwheat can be the perfect food to improve your health.


Useful tips:

  • Beta-carotene is important as a support for the treatment of psoriasis. This herbal pigment in the body takes the role of provitamin converting into vitamin A. It stimulates the growth of new cells in deeper parts of the skin and mucous membranes and accelerates the regeneration of the skin tissue.
  • Mineral Selenium also acts as a very strong antioxidant. Provides protection against the harmful effects of free radicals and thus strengthens the immune system. Maintaining immunity at a high level is of great importance in people suffering from psoriasis because the decline in immunity encourages further development of the disease.
  • Phytotherapy can help patients – teas and fresh creams based on medicinal herbs and baths of honey, health and oak bark. The baths should be relaxed two, three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes to make the skin soften and cleaned from the thickened layer of silvery Caution: it is not suggested to apply honey directly to the affected skin, for some patients it has been known to cause burning effect and itching.
  • Due to skin ability for hydration, Aloe has proven to be very effective in treating the symptoms of psoriasis. The most commonly used gel is in the inner part of the leaves of the plant. When taken as a dietary supplement, aloe acts as stimulant for the immune system, a local application on the skin softens, hydrates and protects the epidermis.
  • While omega-3 fatty acids are known for beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, essential fatty acid fatty acids are believed to be helpful in psoriasis because they promote wound healing and can reduce itching, redness and skin
  • Eat fish at least twice a week. Cold water fish, such as tuna, herring, salmon, mussel or trout, contain a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease development.
  • Choose meat without much fat and poultry without skin. Prepare meat without using saturated and trans-fats (vegetable oils, margarine, etc.).
  • Boiling is the best way to prepare meat.
  • When selecting dairy products, choose those with reduced fat content.
  • Limit or, even better, completely expel foods that contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils because they also contain trans fats.
  • Enter the organism a maximum of 1500 mg of salt. When choosing ingredients, look at the declarations and consider the salt content.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. If you have a strong psoriasis flare, try to completely discharge alcohol, and if you are not ready to give up completely, limit yourself to one drink a day.
  • Think about the size of the meal, rather eat more often, but in small meals. Of course, try to get rid of all processed and fast food.
  • For some patient’s bicarbonate soda can help, it is added as a bath (2-5 tablespoons in the bath, every other night), or applied to a skin with little water.
  • You need to find the cause of stress and learn how to cope with stress (meditation, breathing exercises, walks…)
  • If psoriasis reacts well to the sun, sunbath (skin D vitamins are thus created to raise immunity)
  • Exercise regularly and as much time possible in the fresh air.
  • Have enough rest.
  • In addition to consuming recommended foods and preparing food by boiling, nutrition is recommended to include certain nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin A, B6, B12 and E, selenium, zinc, magnesium, lecithin and bioflavonoids .
  • One of the more popular diets is Cayce ‘s diet based on the correct ratio of alkaline and acidic foods 80:20. Alkaline foods include apples, watermelons, bananas, carrots, celery, spinach, onions. Fish, diet rich in fiber, olive oil is recommended. Sour foods are red meat, canned and processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
  • In controlled studies it has been shown that smoking has a negative effect on the appearance and course of psoriasis. This also applies to the enjoyment of alcoholic drinks especially in those patients undergoing systemic therapy.
  • The appearance of psoriasis is often associated with the health of the digestive system. Studies have shown that it is more common in people suffering from constipation, having irritable column syndrome, frequent diarrhea, and liver function as the main detoxifying organ.
  • Given that lifestyle plays a major role in the emergence, development and control of disease, longer remission periods can be achieved primarily by controlling the risk factors.


Unleavened nutrition and psoriasis

Although there is no proven direct link between foods rich in gluten and increased psoriasis symptoms, studies show that as many as 25% of people with diagnosed psoriasis are also intolerant to gluten. However, studies confirm that psoriasis and celiac disease (a disease caused by intolerance to gluten) have the same genetic and inflammatory pattern. Scientists point out that psoriasis doubles the risk of developing celiac disease.


Vitamins and nutritional supplements

People suffering from psoriasis often decide on adding vitamins and other supplements to nutrition to ease the symptoms of psoriasis and reduce the pain in the joints caused by psoriatic arthritis. The most important dietary supplement for psoriasis sufferers is certainly omega-3 fatty acid, which has a positive effect on immunity.

3 types of omega-3 fatty acids are distinguished:

  • alpha linolenic acid
  • eicosatetraenoic acid (EPA)
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Alpha linolenic acid is found in some vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and sesame. EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish and algae.

With omega-3, dietary supplements recommended for psoriasis sufferers is vitamin D, and it is exactly the active ingredient of creams that are prescribed for psoriasis patients. Specifically, psoriasis is a disorder which increases skin growth and vitamin D changes the way and slows down cell growth. IN Science Translational Medicine   In 2011, a study was published that confirms that vitamin D reduces body responses in the form of psoriasis development to inflammatory processes. However, it should be borne in mind that increased vitamin D intake may increase blood calcium levels, which may be the cause of kidney stones.

Of food, vitamin D is found in salmon, tuna, cod liver, mackerel, low-fat dairy products, eggs, etc. Also, 10-minute exposure to sunlight supplies the body with the necessary amounts of this vitamin.

Glucose and chondroitin are naturally occurring compounds around the connective tissue cell in the body. Glucosamine helps in the creation and restoration of cartilage and reduces the development of inflammatory processes in these tissues. Chondroitin helps in cartilage elasticity and prevents the breakdown of this tissue. In psoriatic arthritis, these two dietary supplements help reduce pain and inflammatory processes on these tissues.

Photo from naftalankozmetika.eu/

Recommendations for food groups

Cereals and grain products. It is necessary to rely on whole grains and their products. Therefore, it is important to avoid grain rich in starch and poor in vitamins and minerals. Also, breakfast cereals containing added sugar are not welcome.

Meat, fish, eggs and cheese. It is a recommendation to consume oily fish several times a week. Meat is eaten in very small quantities. Lamb is acceptable. Avoid red and oily meats. Deep frying is not recommended.

Milk, yogurt and other fermented dairy drinks. Priority should be given to the less fatty representatives of this group.

Fats. Avoid margarine and salty butter.

Regarding drinks, it is recommended to drink water, fresh unsweetened vegetable and fruit juices, unsweetened tea, etc. For alcoholic and carbonated beverages and beverages containing added fructose, high-fidelity syrups, artificial colors and flavors, there is no place in the diet of people suffering from psoriasis.

Symptoms of psoriasis can be improved and reduced by correcting the diet as follows:

– It is required to purify the organism from the poisons accumulated over the years, it is best to spend it drinking fruit juices – they should be prepared from fresh fruit, by squeezing or using juicers; ask yourself whether you’ve ever done a general cleansing of the body, whether you’ve ever had food detoxification, think that it’s time to do it.

– Consume freshly prepared carrot juices, cycles, cucumbers, grapes and avoid citrus (lemon, orange, and strawberries, raspberries, forest fruits and black currants)

– For cleansing the digestive system and alkalizing the body every morning it is recommended to drink a glass of hot water with a squeezed lemon

– After a week of cleaning in the diet, seeds, vegetables and fruits are introduced; nuts, sesame, lettuce, noodles and sunflower seeds are recommended. Consumption of raw vegetables is necessary.

– Milk, yogurt, fresh cheese and cream can be added later, as well as beef , poultry, boiled beef, fresh and frozen fish

– Coffee, tea, sugar, chocolate, cocoa and honey create an acid in the body and should be avoided

– Consuming canned and smoked food is prohibited

– Caution with herbaceous vegetables, it could have a negative impact, you will see if changes occur to you; Also, avoid apples (from conventional production they are treated with various chemicals, it can be a cause of several problems)

– Alcohol is forbidden

– All animal and trans-fats should be avoided, such as pig and beef fat, margarine, egg yolks, butter

– Use flaxseed oil and other vegetable oils, also coconut fat

– Avoid refined and industrial foods

– If you can, use ecological products

For some patients, best effect was the transition to vegan diet.

Food supplements

  • vitamin E therapy (vitamin E naturally present in herbal oils) has proven successful
  • lecithin capsules also show good results


Undesirable foods:

  • citrus fruit (lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit), higher doses of vitamin C. Citrus like grapes, oranges, lemons and lime have equal allergens. For those without a predisposition to develop psoriasis, they may be useful and healthy, but people with psoriasis are strongly advised to avoid them.
  • pork, red meat, milk, butter, eggs
  • spicy and also deef fried foods
  • sugar
  • coffee, tea, caffeine drinks
  • ginseng
  • Alcohol is the first and foremost thing you need to get out of your diet if you have skin problems, especially psoriasis. Symptoms of psoriasis may worsen even if you are a moderate alcohol consumer, so it’s best to exclude it completely.
  • Fat found in red meat can easily cause an inflammatory process in those who have a predisposition to psoriasis.
  • Vegetarianism with occasional intake of meat pleasure
  • Just as red meat, and dairy products contain the same fat that can cause the same consequences.


Intense foods and strong spices – Mostly cause harm to people with psoriasis. This includes wine, curry, cinnamon, mayonnaise, tabasco, etc.