Did you know that psoriasis may be linked to your weight?
People with this skin condition are more likely than others to be obese. And if you have a lot of extra pounds, the condition may become worse and harder to treat.
Doctors don’t know which comes first. But long-lasting inflammation throughout the body is something they have in common.
Fat cells may be able to turn on inflammation. There is also good evidence that the more you weigh, the more severe your psoriasis is.
Psoriasis could also lead to obesity in some people.
For instance, you could gain weight if being active were painful (which is especially likely if you have psoriatic arthritis) or if you avoided exercise because tight-fitting workout clothes were uncomfortable on your skin.
Likewise, if you were self-conscious about your skin and you often comforted yourself with food, that could lead to extra pounds.
No matter what size you are, there are solutions that can help.
Skin Care Tips
Take extra care to keep any skin folds clean. When you shower, wash with mild soap that’s free of perfumes, and use only warm or lukewarm water.
Try Naftalan Cream with Urea. It stops itching, repairs skin structure, regenerates skin cells and helps with skin hydration.
Go easy in those areas with creams that your doctor has prescribed, especially steroids that you put on your skin, since those can thin your skin over time.
Will Weight Loss Help?
For some people, psoriasis symptoms greatly improve after weight loss surgery. It may be that when you lose extra fat, inflammation eases throughout the body.
But that doesn’t always happen – a recent study showed that only 40% of people who had bariatric surgery saw an improvement in their psoriasis.